Building Infrastructure Information

Here is general information concerning BE Building Locations.

Jack Baskin Engineering Building (JBEB)
also known as Baskin Engineering Building, Engineering 1, formerly known as The Applied Sciences Building.  

CAANOverall Size
(Gross SF) 
Useable Area
(assignable SF)
Space Assigned
to BE
(assignable SF)
Construction Completion 
7194175,318 GSF104,022 ASF67,252 (65%)Jan 1, 1971

US Postal Address

BE Recieving, Room 40
Jack Baskin Engineering Building
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz CA. 95064
In CruzBuy this is shipping address ‘SOERCV’

Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, Trucking Companies)

Room 40
Jack Baskin Engineering Building
606 Engineering Loop
Santa Cruz CA. 95064

Please use the above addresses for all deliveries to labs and offices in the BioMed, PBSci, Sinsheimer, and Thimann buildings. BE Facilities staff will take receipt of all packages and bring them to the recipient’s location and confirm with the items have been delivered with an email via the RT ticket system.

Engineering 2 (E2)
CAAN = 7940
Also known as “E2”. Office and Dry Lab Building. Home to collocated BE Dept offices on 2nd floor, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Technology Management, Computational Media. Economics Dept located on 4th floor. Two Cal-ISIs located on 5th floor (CITRIS and QB3). Building Completion/Occupied October 22, 2004. Architect Anshen+Allen LA
Street Address
Shipping AddressBE Recieving, Room 40
Jack Baskin Engineering Building
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
In CruzBuy this is shpping address ‘SOERCV’
Building Size; Gross & Assignable151,550 GSF, 88,451 ASF
Physical Science Building (PSB)
CAAN = 7919
Also known as PSB. Home to Biomolecular Engineering Dept faculty offices and bioinformatics labs.  Constructed June 14, 2006.
Shipping AddressPlease use BE Recieving at JBEB. Do not order hazmat for BE areas as all areas are office spaces only.
Building Size; Gross & Assignable136,211 GSF,  80,811 ASF
Space assigned to BE5,045 ASF (6%)
Last modified: Aug 04, 2024