Course Materials/Resources for Instructors
NCWIT: Interrupting Bias in an Academic Setting Power Point Slides/Presentation
NCWIT: Top 10 Ways to Recruit Underrepresented Students into Your Undergraduate Computing Programs
Webinar: Increase Women in Computer Science & Engineering Majors: 5 Evidence-Based Strategies ( A Case Study)
Syllabus Review Guide: An Inquiry tool for promoting racial and ethnic equity and equity minded practice.
SACNAS: Identifying and Succeeding Beyond Impostor Syndrome: Moderator Kathryn Poradiuk, Student Program Manager, SACNAS
Black Feminism and the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Riena Gossett, Charlene Carothers (50:48)
Dr. Robin DiAngelo Discusses ‘White Fragility’ (1:23:30)
NCWIT: “Changing the Narrative About Aging, Tech, and Innovation” with Janine Vandenburg |Video Playback